- 用来识别项目的依赖是否存在恶意的npm脚本:npm-viewscripts
- 通过补丁的方式直接修改node_modules文件夹中依赖的bug:patch-package
- 快速搭建 fake REST API 服务器:json-server
- px转rem:postcss-pxtorem
- px转viewport:postcss-px-to-viewport
- 类
rm -rf
命令的依赖:rimraf - 用来生成qrcode:qrcode
- 时间库:
- 一个用来做PPT的好用的库:slidev
- 用来分析构建包的情况的webpack插件:webpack-bundle-analyzer
- CountUp.js:CountUp.js is a dependency-free, lightweight JavaScript class that can be used to quickly create animations that display numerical data in a more interesting way.
- uuid:创建唯一id
- immer:Create the next immutable state tree by simply modifying the current tree
- cloc:cloc counts blank lines, comment lines, and physical lines of source code in many programming languages.
- ngrok-node版本:内网穿透工具
- npm-run-all:A CLI tool to run multiple npm-scripts in parallel or sequential.
- concurrently:Run multiple commands concurrently. Like npm run watch-js & npm run watch-less but better.
- wait-on:wait-on is a cross-platform command line utility which will wait for files, ports, sockets, and http(s) resources to become available (or not available using reverse mode)
- cross-env:Run scripts that set and use environment variables across platforms
- chalk:Terminal string styling done right
- consola:Elegant Console Logger for Node.js and Browser
- fs-extra:一个比fs模块更好用的库
- lowdb:数据持久化存储解决方案,适合桌面应用开发(比如Electron),用JSON为基本存储结构基于lodash开发的
- skeletonreact:骨架屏解决方案(支持vue/react/angular)
- faker:Generate massive amounts of fake (but realistic) data for testing and development.
- 目前能下载的是经过调整的,关于origin faker的一些说明,详细看:An update from the Faker team 和 Dev corrupts NPM libs 'colors' and 'faker' breaking thousands of apps。
- deepmerge:Merges the enumerable properties of two or more objects deeply.
- 与之类似的,是
- 与之类似的,是
- 快速初始化一个ts项目基础工程:
- np:A better
npm publish
- iconv-lite:Pure JS character encoding conversion,可作为中英文乱码修正的解决方案
- Vitesse:Mocking up web app with Vitesse(Vite+Vue3+Typescript)
- node程序日志相关:
- qnm:A simple cli utility for querying the node_modules directory
- node-emoji:Friendly emoji lookups and parsing utilities for Node.js ✨
- medium-zoom:A JavaScript library for zooming images like Medium
- validator:A library of string validators and sanitizers.
- node邮件操作相关:
- 发邮件:nodemailer
- 收邮件:imap + mailparser
- markdown转pdf/png等:
- md-to-pdf:A simple and hackable CLI tool for converting markdown to pdf.
- markdown-pdf(vscode 插件)
- sharp:图片压缩高性能库,配套的官网链接为:https://sharp.pixelplumbing.com/
- ...
- Vue生态相关的库集合:awesome-vue
- Vue中使用jsx用到的库:jsx-vue
- Vue hooks库:vueuse
- vue-lazyload:vue中使用图片懒加载的方案
- vue-content-placeholders:react中使用骨架屏的方案
- vue-styled-components:css-in-js方案
- ...
- 新版本react官网:reactjs
- React生态相关的库集合:awesome-react
- React hooks库:ahooks
- react-lazy-load-image-component:react中使用图片懒加载的方案
- react-placeholder:react中使用骨架屏的方案
- styled-components:css-in-js方案,详情可参看文档:https://styled-components.com/
- ...